WPFW is a listener supported station in more ways than one. Not only do our listeners provide the majority of our operating funds, they also provide invaluable assistance in the form of volunteer service, without which we wouldn't get our mailings out, our news compiled, or our programs hosted. So, please, join the WPFW Volunteer Family today!
Below is a list of volunteer opportunities available at the station. If you have any questions about them, feel free to contact WPFW's Volunteer Coordinator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 202-588-0999 ex. 360.
To download a PDF of WPFW's Volunteer Application, click here.
WPFW Pledge Drive Volunteer
More than 80% of WPFW's funds comes from listeners during our membership drives. They are intrinsic to the success of the station. Volunteers answer phones and record incoming pledges. Shifts are generally four hours and are available weekdays and weekends, 9am-10pm. Groups are also welcome, and groups of 4 or more will be recognized on the air while they are here!
WPFW Clerical Volunteers
WPFW uses volunteers for a wide variety of clerical activities, including: sending out thank you gifts, compiling membership mailings, addressing envelopes, and calling station members. Shifts are available only during the work week.
WPFW Archive Volunteers
Reliable, self-motivated volunteers are always welcome to catalog our archived programs. The work is self directed but can be solitary! Hours are flexible. Shifts are available only during the work week.
WPFW News Volunteers
Volunteers with the News Department assist the News Director as needed. They should have some journalism or broadcast experience. Hours are flexible, but volunteers should be able to make a regular commitment to the station.
WPFW Public Affairs Volunteers
Public Affairs Volunteers assist the Public Affairs Director with the production and archiving of Metro Watch. Shifts are available only during the work week.
WPFW Ambassadors
Help get the word out about WPFW! Ambassadors spread news about WPFW at station-sponsored events throughout the Washington Metropolitan Area. This is a great opportunity for those of our listeners who would like to volunteer, but do not live near the station, or are only free on evenings and weekends.
WPFW Program Host Assistants
There are occasional openings for volunteers to assist our on-air hosts with their programs. The responsibilities of these volunteers vary depending on the program host, but might include: answering phones, conducting research, and posting play lists to WPFW's website.
WPFW Sound Board Operators
Volunteers interested in running our sound boards must attend a two day training. One training is offered annually. Space is limited and preference is given to previous WPFW volunteers. Once the training is complete, volunteers are required to serve on our boards for a minimum of six months. To apply, please fill out the Volunteer Application.
WPFW Internships
WPFW offers internships in our Audio, Development, Public Affairs and News Departments. All WPFW interns must be enrolled in college, or else a recent college graduate. They must work well with others, be self starting, quick to learn, and support WPFW's goals and mission.
Applicants to the internship in our Audio Department should either be majoring in audio production or have an equivalent experience level. Applicants to the News Department should have experience in journalism and/or broadcast journalism. Juniors, seniors and post graduate students are especially encouraged to apply.
To learn how to apply, or for a description of each position, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications for Summer & Fall 2023 should be submitted by June 30, 2023.
WPFW Programmers
Among the purposes of WPFW-FM Pacifica is to provide an outlet for the creative skills and energies of the community. To this end, we encourage members of the community to submit programming proposals to the station. Proposals should be no more than a page long and should include information about the prospective on-air host, including any relevant on-air experience, as well as information about the prospective show. Successful proposals will be detailed, to the point and will keep WPFW's mission statement in mind. Demos can be submitted, but these should be copies only. WPFW will not guarantee their return. Once completed, proposals should be sent to: